viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

Blog 4: free time


Hello again, in my free time i like to do so much activities but riding a bicycle its my favorite, it relaxes me a lot and i can go to many places, usually i go out with my friends but i like ride alone too.

Other of my favorite activities is to go see bands, because in those activities workshop are made and they sell food, i go to those acitivities with my friends too.

But i don´t allways go out, sometimes i like to stay drawing and listen music, before i liked bind the books, but actually i have no desire.

In my free time sometimes i read the university books or take advantage of studyng.

Something that i would like to learn to do in my free time is to do tattos, but i will learn first.

Blog 2: why did you choose this carrer/study programme

Why did i choose study social work?

When i was in the secundary, started like me history and lenguage. When i was on 4th of secundary i have a electives subjects like philosphy and its like me too. Those subjects help me to decided for choose my carrer.

But when i was a child i wanna be a train driver, i loved trains but my tastes change.

Before choose study social work, i study architecture, but i didn´t like me, others of my options of carrers are sociology or public administration, but in the end i chose social work.

My experience at university was very fun, i like the texts that i must read, and the university but i like more green areas.

In the future i would like work in the sename or in the jail, because its interesting for me.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

Blog 3: Your favorite piece of technology

Your favorite piece of technology!

My phone its my favorite piece of technology, i used it very often.

When i was 10 years old, my mom gives me my first phone. I used it phone for call and send  texts messages, but firstly to play games.

Actually i have a model phone more reciently, here i have my photographies, my contacts, and many apps like instagram, whatsapp, youtube and facebook, i spent much time in this apps.

                                          Resultado de imagen para nokia celular viejo

I like my phone because here i listen music and play games, i like play games and listen music in my free time.

I can live without it, my phone it`s important for me, but i don`t used it always, i used it sometimes.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Blog 1: My autobiography: who am i?

Hi, my name is Juan Maidana Olivares, i am 20 years old and i live in Santiago de Chile, And i´m vegan since 2017 and i was vegetarian a year before.

I live in Quilicura with my mom, my sister, a cat and a dog. The name of the cat is Snow and the dog is Simona, she´s very playful.

I completed my secundary studies at the Salesianos Alameda, and my primary at the Escuela Básica Salvador Sanfuentes. I´m studing my second university studies, i was studied for a year Architecture at the Universidad Diego Portales but didn´t like me, actually i´m studing Trabajo Social at the Universidad de Chile.

One of my favorite hobbies is ride a bicycle because relax me, i can ride for a big time, sometime i like draw and play juggling.