viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

Blog 2: why did you choose this carrer/study programme

Why did i choose study social work?

When i was in the secundary, started like me history and lenguage. When i was on 4th of secundary i have a electives subjects like philosphy and its like me too. Those subjects help me to decided for choose my carrer.

But when i was a child i wanna be a train driver, i loved trains but my tastes change.

Before choose study social work, i study architecture, but i didn´t like me, others of my options of carrers are sociology or public administration, but in the end i chose social work.

My experience at university was very fun, i like the texts that i must read, and the university but i like more green areas.

In the future i would like work in the sename or in the jail, because its interesting for me.

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